by Andrena
(Dallas, TX)
My baby has acid reflux and I recommend putting your baby on Prevacid and to add probiotics to solid foods. So far I’ve tried Gerber Probiotic Oatmeal – this works well – and peas (I add probiotics to them myself).
So far we see no flare ups and I highly recommend buying Colic Calm Gripe water give to your baby at night time as it helps to reduce flare ups. I was giving Colic Calm to my baby before each feeding and it worked wonderfully, except it caused him to get constipated so we reduced it to once a night and it works well.
If you’re breastfeeding express your milk and add probiotics to it. Let me know if this helps!
This weekend I’m trying carrots and then pears I’ll let you know if this works
God Bless Everyone!
Thank you SO much Andrena for sharing your tips.
We hope other parents find them helpful – but please always remember to check with your doctor before trying any suggestions or new foods.