by Colleen (Australia)
After over a week of offering bananas and pears when starting solids, my son’s reflux went back to square one (he was 5 months of age).
He started the cough, sleep disturbance, lost interest in drinking and was irritable and uncomfortable in most positions.
Read more about introducing solid foods to a baby with reflux
I gave my 5 month old baby bananas mashed mixed with water as a first solid. He loved them and ate close to a tablespoon.
Shortly after he got really fussy with pain. I could hear the contents repeatably trying to come back up as my son would swallow them back down each time crying in pain wanting to constantly nurse for soothing.
Finally two hours later he seemed to be feeling better.
My 6 month old has been eating bananas from jars since he was 4 months old. Now that he is 6 months, I make my own baby food and he eats pureed fresh fruits and vegetables. He loves it.
A few days ago I offered a puree of ripe banana. He enjoyed it but then he vomited the banana for hours to come. This was accompanied by many farts and stomach gurgles.
He’s never reacted like that to any other foods and he was not sick from a cold or flu… I assume there is something in the ripe banana that he isn’t ready for yet..
Yes I had a similar problem when offering banana to my baby.
She will continually vomit when it is given to her so I thought I would offer it to her at a later age.
At 8 months she still can't eat banana without vomiting.